I Was In School When I Met My Mexican Husband Online | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

2023-10-19 16

HOLLY, 20, and Diego, 21, first met in the summer of 2018, sparking a romance online, despite living across the globe from each other. She told Truly: "We met on TikTok back when it was still called Musical.ly. I posted a video of me sliding around my kitchen floor and it went viral. People all over the world saw it and liked it." Holly is from England and Diego, who is from Mexico, was one of the people who saw it and thought she was "beautiful". He messaged her, and they instantly clicked. Holly already knew how to speak Spanish, after teaching herself, but Diego taught her some Mexican phrases and slang. In April 2019, aged just 16, Holly travelled to Mexico with her dad to meet Diego for the first time. She explained how she felt "really nervous" and "there were lots of emotions leading up to that point." The meeting went well, and soon after the pair decided to marry. They have now been together for five years, and are still very much in love. Holly and Diego are content creators, living where her family are from in Leicester. The couple continue to share their love story online with their followers - despite their many fans, they have received a lot of negative comments. "There's a big range of hate that we get. It ranges from people talking about my appearance and saying that Diego's too good for me", Holly said. "And then it's the other end of the spectrum people saying that Diego shouldn't be allowed in this country, that he's just here to scrounge off the government or you for a visa, which none of which is true, but people are so ill-informed."